Wednesday, 18 July 2012

What Do I Say To My Prospects?

People who have been in any network marketing business know that what to say to a prospect is a big issue. What you say to them either makes them run to your opportunity or run away from you.
  “So where are the prospects”, you ask?” No one seems interested in what I have to say”.
The first step is to ask yourself what your prospects will benefit from joining the business. And it is definitely not your products, because there are a thousand and one out in the market with similar benefits. You are selling them an opportunity to make more income, period. Anything outside that does not make sense to your prospect.
    Look around you today. The average person needs more money than he/she is being paid. You will even find a lot of people doing one small business or the other apart from their regular jobs to make ends meet. So your potential prospects are everywhere, in abundance.
    But it depends on how you present yourself to them. If you talk about how big and wonderful your company is, they simply don’t care. If you talk about your products, they have other cheaper, if not better alternatives. They only care about what’s in it for them. If you tell about how wonderful network marketing is, they’ll show you numerous examples of people who have done it and failed.
      So what do you say to them?
     Promote yourself as a worthy leader in your field. Let them know you will go all out to help them succeed. Give them the necessary moral and technical support. Advertise yourself, not your company. People love leaders. If Robert Kiyosaki were to give you a presentation on any MLM opportunity, at least 70% of the audience would want to sign up under him, not necessarily because of the speech, but because he is a proven leader in the industry. Sell yourself to them, and they will want to join you.
      So when next you want to advertise, make sure it is yourself you are advertising, not your company.
Join my FLP opportunity today. Call 08035087631 for more details.

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