So you have made the decision to join the network marketing
business, and you are looking for the right company to join. Or you have been
burned once and are looking for the right company made just for you. These tips
will guide you on the right company to join.
The company must be reputable in their field. Their
products must be among the best in their field.
The company must have stood the test of time. It
is said that 80% of MLM companies fail before their 5th year. Choose
companies that have been in the business for at least 5 years.
The company must have tangible products or services;
otherwise it’s just a ponzi scheme.
The company must not pay commission on the
registration fees of new distributors. But rather, it should pay commission on
products bought by distributors.
Their products must be readily consumable. This
is to make it easy to have repeat customers who must have used and liked the
product and come back for more. There is no point registering with a company that
sells products which do not need to be changed regularly like radios, cell
phones etc. Companies that produce nutritional products and cosmetics do well because
the customer will usually come back for more.
Take a look at their compensation plan. Compare
it with that of other similar companies. The compensation plan must be very
good and they should have a lot of bonuses and incentives which is necessary to
motivate their distributors.
Do they have regular training sessions? Training
is an essential part of any MLM. Sessions should not just be about the
products, or testimonies, but should be mainly about the marketing. The
marketing plan of the company should be fully understood by the distributor.
Sponsors must follow-up their downliners to ensure they start earning as well.
Sponsors must also be easily accessible to their downliners.
Their payment policies must be very clear and
well understood.
Remember, it is not about how
wonderful the company is, but about what suits you and works for you. You can
have a great company with great products, but still fail, because the plan does
not work for you.
Choose right today, Choose Forever Living Products.
Call 08035087631 for more
information or email me at
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