Monday, 30 July 2012

Leadership; The Most Important Attribute Of MLM and Network Marketers.

    Being a novice network marketer is a huge challenge. A novice, who had no previous training or skills in selling, suddenly finds himself or herself thrust with selling not only products and business opportunities, but with selling himself or herself to people. Now make no mistake about this: people are the raw material in this business. MLM and network marketing is people –oriented. You have to deal with people all the time, and no procedure or degree of automation can replace contact with people.
    To be an MLM or network marketer, possession of leadership attributes is essential. By leadership, I mean being courageous, taking risks, not being afraid to approach people, intelligence, diligence, empathy towards others, self-motivated, and most importantly, giving value to others. A leader does not necessarily need to be loud, but wherever there is a leader in the midst of people, it usually becomes clear in a short while. Call it charisma, carriage or whatever you like, but it usually shines through all the same.
    I am not here to advocate certain personality types as leaders over others. Rather, I believe each of us has it within us to be leaders. It depends on how well we express it. Some express these qualities better than others and become leaders of the pack. However, when situations warrant it, leadership traits are exhibited by others who previously were not viewed as leaders. Many of us excel in our various fields of endeavour, but we still do not view ourselves as leaders. We don’t have to be loud to be leaders, but we can cultivate the habit, and with time, others will come to view us as leaders.
    So how do we acquire leadership qualities? How do we become that man or woman who everyone wants to associate with?
·         We need to tell ourselves repeatedly that we are leaders.
·         We need to start acting the part of leaders.
·         We need to believe that we are leaders.
It is only when we have done this that we can develop the confidence to sponsor other people, be their coach and mentor, and help them succeed in their businesses.
For more information call 2348035087631. 

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